iOS 源代码分析 ---- MBProgressHUD

MBProgressHUD 是一个为 iOS app 添加透明浮层 HUD 的第三方框架. 作为一个 UI 层面的框架, 它的实现很简单, 但是其中也有一些非常有意思的代码.


MBProgressHUD 是一个 UIView 的子类, 它提供了一系列的创建 HUD 的方法. 我们在这里会主要介绍三种使用 HUD 的方法.

  • + showHUDAddedTo:animated:
  • - showAnimated:whileExecutingBlock:onQueue:completionBlock:
  • - showWhileExecuting:onTarget:withObject:

+ showHUDAddedTo:animated:

MBProgressHUD 提供了一对类方法 + showHUDAddedTo:animated:+ hideHUDForView:animated: 来创建和隐藏 HUD, 这是创建和隐藏 HUD 最简单的一组方法

+ (MB_INSTANCETYPE)showHUDAddedTo:(UIView *)view animated:(BOOL)animated {
	MBProgressHUD *hud = [[self alloc] initWithView:view];
	hud.removeFromSuperViewOnHide = YES;
	[view addSubview:hud];
	[hud show:animated];
	return MB_AUTORELEASE(hud);

- initWithView:

首先调用 + alloc - initWithView: 方法返回一个 MBProgressHUD 的实例, - initWithView: 方法会调用当前类的 - initWithFrame: 方法.

通过 - initWithFrame: 方法的执行, 会为 MBProgressHUD 的一些属性设置一系列的默认值.

- (id)initWithFrame:(CGRect)frame {
	self = [super initWithFrame:frame];
	if (self) {
		// Set default values for properties
		self.animationType = MBProgressHUDAnimationFade;
		self.mode = MBProgressHUDModeIndeterminate;
		// Make it invisible for now
		self.alpha = 0.0f;

		[self registerForKVO];
	return self;

MBProgressHUD 初始化的过程中, 有一个需要注意的方法 - registerForKVO, 我们会在之后查看该方法的实现.

- show:

在初始化一个 HUD 并添加到 view 上之后, 这时 HUD 并没有显示出来, 因为在初始化时, view.alpha 被设置为 0. 所以我们接下来会调用 - show: 方法使 HUD 显示到屏幕上.

- (void)show:(BOOL)animated {
    NSAssert([NSThread isMainThread], @"MBProgressHUD needs to be accessed on the main thread.");
	useAnimation = animated;
	// If the grace time is set postpone the HUD display
	if (self.graceTime > 0.0) {
        NSTimer *newGraceTimer = [NSTimer timerWithTimeInterval:self.graceTime target:self selector:@selector(handleGraceTimer:) userInfo:nil repeats:NO];
        [[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop] addTimer:newGraceTimer forMode:NSRunLoopCommonModes];
        self.graceTimer = newGraceTimer;
	// ... otherwise show the HUD imediately
	else {
		[self showUsingAnimation:useAnimation];

因为在 iOS 开发中, 对于 UIView 的处理必须在主线程中, 所以在这里我们要先用 [NSThread isMainThread] 来确认当前前程为主线程.

如果 graceTime0, 那么直接调用 - showUsingAnimation: 方法, 否则会创建一个 newGraceTimer 当然这个 timer 对应的 selector 最终调用的也是 - showUsingAnimation: 方法.

- showUsingAnimation:

- (void)showUsingAnimation:(BOOL)animated {
    // Cancel any scheduled hideDelayed: calls
    [NSObject cancelPreviousPerformRequestsWithTarget:self];
    [self setNeedsDisplay];

	if (animated && animationType == MBProgressHUDAnimationZoomIn) {
		self.transform = CGAffineTransformConcat(rotationTransform, CGAffineTransformMakeScale(0.5f, 0.5f));
	} else if (animated && animationType == MBProgressHUDAnimationZoomOut) {
		self.transform = CGAffineTransformConcat(rotationTransform, CGAffineTransformMakeScale(1.5f, 1.5f));
	self.showStarted = [NSDate date];
	// Fade in
	if (animated) {
		[UIView beginAnimations:nil context:NULL];
		[UIView setAnimationDuration:0.30];
		self.alpha = 1.0f;
		if (animationType == MBProgressHUDAnimationZoomIn || animationType == MBProgressHUDAnimationZoomOut) {
			self.transform = rotationTransform;
		[UIView commitAnimations];
	else {
		self.alpha = 1.0f;

这个方法的核心功能就是根据 animationTypeHUD 的出现添加合适的动画.

typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, MBProgressHUDAnimation) {
	/** Opacity animation */
	/** Opacity + scale animation */
	MBProgressHUDAnimationZoomOut = MBProgressHUDAnimationZoom,

它在方法刚调用时会通过 - cancelPreviousPerformRequestsWithTarget: 移除附加在 HUD 上的所有 selector, 这样可以保证该方法不会多次调用.

同时也会保存 HUD 的出现时间.

self.showStarted = [NSDate date]

+ hideHUDForView:animated:

+ (BOOL)hideHUDForView:(UIView *)view animated:(BOOL)animated {
	MBProgressHUD *hud = [self HUDForView:view];
	if (hud != nil) {
		hud.removeFromSuperViewOnHide = YES;
		[hud hide:animated];
		return YES;
	return NO;

+ hideHUDForView:animated: 方法的实现和 + showHUDAddedTo:animated: 差不多, + HUDForView: 方法会返回对应 view 最上层的 MBProgressHUD 的实例.

+ (MB_INSTANCETYPE)HUDForView:(UIView *)view {
	NSEnumerator *subviewsEnum = [view.subviews reverseObjectEnumerator];
	for (UIView *subview in subviewsEnum) {
		if ([subview isKindOfClass:self]) {
			return (MBProgressHUD *)subview;
	return nil;

然后调用的 - hide: 方法和 - hideUsingAnimation: 方法也没有什么特别的, 只有在 HUD 隐藏之后 - done 负责隐藏执行 completionBlockdelegate 回调.

- (void)done {
	[NSObject cancelPreviousPerformRequestsWithTarget:self];
	isFinished = YES;
	self.alpha = 0.0f;
	if (removeFromSuperViewOnHide) {
		[self removeFromSuperview];
	if (self.completionBlock) {
		self.completionBlock = NULL;
	if ([delegate respondsToSelector:@selector(hudWasHidden:)]) {
		[delegate performSelector:@selector(hudWasHidden:) withObject:self];

- showAnimated:whileExecutingBlock:onQueue:completionBlock:

block 指定的队列执行时, 显示 HUD, 并在 HUD 消失时, 调用 completion.

同时 MBProgressHUD 也提供一些其他的便利方法实现这一功能:

- (void)showAnimated:(BOOL)animated whileExecutingBlock:(dispatch_block_t)block;
- (void)showAnimated:(BOOL)animated whileExecutingBlock:(dispatch_block_t)block completionBlock:(MBProgressHUDCompletionBlock)completion;
- (void)showAnimated:(BOOL)animated whileExecutingBlock:(dispatch_block_t)block onQueue:(dispatch_queue_t)queue;

该方法会异步在指定 queue 上运行 block 并在 block 执行结束调用 - cleanUp.

- (void)showAnimated:(BOOL)animated whileExecutingBlock:(dispatch_block_t)block onQueue:(dispatch_queue_t)queue
	 completionBlock:(MBProgressHUDCompletionBlock)completion {
	self.taskInProgress = YES;
	self.completionBlock = completion;
	dispatch_async(queue, ^(void) {
		dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^(void) {
			[self cleanUp];
	[self show:animated];

关于 - cleanUp 我们会在下一段中介绍.

- showWhileExecuting:onTarget:withObject:

当一个后台任务在新线程中执行时, 显示 HUD.

- (void)showWhileExecuting:(SEL)method onTarget:(id)target withObject:(id)object animated:(BOOL)animated {
	methodForExecution = method;
	targetForExecution = MB_RETAIN(target);
	objectForExecution = MB_RETAIN(object);
	// Launch execution in new thread
	self.taskInProgress = YES;
	[NSThread detachNewThreadSelector:@selector(launchExecution) toTarget:self withObject:nil];
	// Show HUD view
	[self show:animated];

在保存 methodForExecution targetForExecutionobjectForExecution 之后, 会在新的线程中调用方法.

- (void)launchExecution {
	@autoreleasepool {
#pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Warc-performSelector-leaks"
		// Start executing the requested task
		[targetForExecution performSelector:methodForExecution withObject:objectForExecution];
#pragma clang diagnostic pop
		// Task completed, update view in main thread (note: view operations should
		// be done only in the main thread)
		[self performSelectorOnMainThread:@selector(cleanUp) withObject:nil waitUntilDone:NO];

- launchExecution 会创建一个自动释放池, 然后再这个自动释放池中调用方法, 并在方法调用结束之后在主线程执行 - cleanUp.


MBProgressHUD 中有很多神奇的魔法来解决一些常见的问题.


MBProgressHUD 使用了一系列神奇的宏定义来兼容 MRC.

#if __has_feature(objc_instancetype)
	#define MB_INSTANCETYPE instancetype

#ifndef MB_STRONG
#if __has_feature(objc_arc)
	#define MB_STRONG strong
	#define MB_STRONG retain

#ifndef MB_WEAK
#if __has_feature(objc_arc_weak)
	#define MB_WEAK weak
#elif __has_feature(objc_arc)
	#define MB_WEAK unsafe_unretained
	#define MB_WEAK assign

通过宏定义 __has_feature 来判断当前环境是否启用了 ARC, 使得不同环境下宏不会出错.


MBProgressHUD 通过 @property 生成了一系列的属性.

- (NSArray *)observableKeypaths {
	return [NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"mode", @"customView", @"labelText", @"labelFont", @"labelColor",
			@"detailsLabelText", @"detailsLabelFont", @"detailsLabelColor", @"progress", @"activityIndicatorColor", nil];

这些属性在改变的时候不会, 重新渲染整个 view, 我们在一般情况下覆写 setter 方法, 然后再 setter 方法中刷新对应的属性, 在 MBProgressHUD 中使用 KVO 来解决这个问题.

- (void)registerForKVO {
	for (NSString *keyPath in [self observableKeypaths]) {
		[self addObserver:self forKeyPath:keyPath options:NSKeyValueObservingOptionNew context:NULL];

- (void)observeValueForKeyPath:(NSString *)keyPath ofObject:(id)object change:(NSDictionary *)change context:(void *)context {
	if (![NSThread isMainThread]) {
		[self performSelectorOnMainThread:@selector(updateUIForKeypath:) withObject:keyPath waitUntilDone:NO];
	} else {
		[self updateUIForKeypath:keyPath];

- (void)updateUIForKeypath:(NSString *)keyPath {
	if ([keyPath isEqualToString:@"mode"] || [keyPath isEqualToString:@"customView"] ||
		[keyPath isEqualToString:@"activityIndicatorColor"]) {
		[self updateIndicators];
	} else if ([keyPath isEqualToString:@"labelText"]) {
		label.text = self.labelText;
	} else if ([keyPath isEqualToString:@"labelFont"]) {
		label.font = self.labelFont;
	} else if ([keyPath isEqualToString:@"labelColor"]) {
		label.textColor = self.labelColor;
	} else if ([keyPath isEqualToString:@"detailsLabelText"]) {
		detailsLabel.text = self.detailsLabelText;
	} else if ([keyPath isEqualToString:@"detailsLabelFont"]) {
		detailsLabel.font = self.detailsLabelFont;
	} else if ([keyPath isEqualToString:@"detailsLabelColor"]) {
		detailsLabel.textColor = self.detailsLabelColor;
	} else if ([keyPath isEqualToString:@"progress"]) {
		if ([indicator respondsToSelector:@selector(setProgress:)]) {
			[(id)indicator setValue:@(progress) forKey:@"progress"];
	[self setNeedsLayout];
	[self setNeedsDisplay];

- observeValueForKeyPath:ofObject:change:context: 方法中的代码是为了保证 UI 的更新一定是在主线程中, 而 - updateUIForKeypath: 方法负责 UI 的更新.


MBProgressHUD 由于是一个 UI 的第三方库, 所以它的实现还是挺简单的.




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